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Contact and Enrollment


       Currently, StarStone University is running at minimum, as it has only just begun: with the Twilight Squires Academy and just recently the Academiae Ars Magicka being the only two academies presently running in the university, and the student attendance being at its bare minimum. That being said we are ever looking for and welcoming individuals who are willing to teach, as well as open for those interested in learning. We are here to do our part and contribute positively to the advancement of magickal education in the community and the wider world.


       Contact Lord Shadow presently through the Domain and Realms e-mail at Specify in the subject line if you're interested in becoming a student, or becoming part of the faculty. Information will be sent to you directly. 


       Thank you and Good Dreaming.

       Our history, trials and errors, and where we see ourselves going.

       The different schools within the University, and what we look forward to having.

       The colors and symbols of the university, and their meanings.

       Who we have on staff.

       Back to the Main Page

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