The Domain and Realms National Site

Welcome to the Realm of
Adamantia Bay Ring
Named for one of the First Rulers' names, and in reference to the ring of lands surrounding the Chesapeake Bay (the Adamantia Bay), the Realm of the Ring is the youngest of the founded Realms. It has a distinction of its lands being connected to both the Ocean of Storms and the Inland Seas: a trait it only shares with the neighboring Realm of Cascade to the North
Lady Dame Danielle Adamantia Starhawk the Shieldmaiden ni DarkFyre and her husband, Lord Gary Neal, Founded and have held the Realm since 2015: ruling from their Royal Court on the shores o the Bay
Life in the Ring is dominated equally by water and land: with the spine of the Tir na nOg Range running between the Realm's narrow coastline on the Shallow Sea, and the comparable vastness of the Bay and the Ocean. The Realm was once known as the Mists: due to the fog and mist-filled nature of the Range Even beyond this, Aleutia has been a land where many things wait within its vast wilderness and the seas that surround it. Many of the legends of the land are well known, while others keep to themselves

Stats and Information

Full N ame: The Realm of Adamantia Bay Ring
Full N ame: The Realm of Adamantia Bay Ring
Entymology: Named for one of the names of Lady Danielle ni DarkFyre, and in reference to the majority of the lands comprising the Realm ringed around the shores of the Bay.
Date Founded: October 31, 2015
Date Founded: October 31, 2015
Demonym: Adamantian, Bayener
Population(current): 2
Ruler(s): Lady Dame Daniellle Adamantia Starhawk the Shieldmaiden and Lord Gary Neal
House(s): DarkFyre
House(s): DarkFyre
Flag: None at current time
Anthem: None at current time
Provinces: None at current time
Royal District: Royal Capital Surrounds (Anne Arundel, Baltimore, and Queen Anne Counties, Maryland USA)
Royal Court: Caer Adamantia Waters (Annapolis, Maryland USA)
Royal Home: None at current time
Adamantian Provinces
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment

Chesapeake Bay - The Adamantia Bay
Chesapeake Bay - The Adamantia Bay
There are gods and spirits that move. Gods that are invisible. Of shapes and sizes and purposes largely unknown except for perhaps one: guardianship. Some exist within the elements. Some are the elements. Some on this planet alone are too immense to consider, or at least barely. And even though they stand still, they watch and they move.
Near the heart of the Realm, fitting the description, Denali waits.
Denali - also known as Mount McKinley, its former official name - is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of 20,310 feet above sea level. With a topographic prominence of 20,194 feet and a topographic isolation of 4,621.1 miles, Denali is the third most prominent and third most isolated peak on Earth, after Mount Everest and Aconcagua. Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of the U.S. state of Alaska, Denali is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve. The Koyukon people who inhabit the area around the mountain have referred to the peak as "Denali" for centuries. In 1896, a gold prospector named it "Mount McKinley" in support of then-presidential candidate William McKinley; that name was the official name recognized by the federal government of the United States from 1917 until 2015. In August 2015, 40 years after Alaska had done so, the United States Department of the Interior announced the change of the official name of the mountain to Denali.
Denali is a granitic pluton, mostly pink quartz monzonite, lifted by tectonic pressure from the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate; at the same time, the sedimentary material above and around the mountain was stripped away by erosion. The forces that lifted Denali also caused many deep earthquakes in Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. The Pacific Plate is seismically active beneath Denali, a tectonic region that is known as the "McKinley cluster".
(from Wikipedia)
The High One he is called: the translation of his name, and the mountains of his range are known as his family. And so it is a family of deities - with Denali at their head - that guards the waiting Realm.
Backbone Mountain
Backbone Mountain
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve is an American national park that protects portions of the Brooks Range in northern Alaska. The park is the northernmost national park in the United States, situated entirely north of the Arctic Circle. The park is the second largest in the U.S. at 8,472,506 acres: slightly larger in area than Belgium.

Gates of the Arctic was initially designated as a national monument on December 1, 1978, before being redesignated as a national park and preserve upon passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act in 1980. A large part of the park has additional protection as the Gates of the Arctic Wilderness which covers 7,167,192 acres. The wilderness area adjoins the Noatak Wilderness. Together, they form the largest contiguous wilderness in the United States.
Nomadic peoples have inhabited the Brooks Range for as many as 12,500 years, living mainly on caribou and other wildlife. The Mesa site at Iteriak Creek has yielded evidence of occupation between 11,500 and 10,300 years before the present. Later sites from around 6,000 years before present have yielded projectile points, stone knives and net sinkers. The Arctic small tool tradition (ASTt) of about 4,500 BP has also been documented. A late phase of the ASTt from between 2500 and 950 BP, the Ipuitak phase, has been documented in the park at the Bateman Site at Itkillik Lake.
The earliest Inupiat people appeared about 1200 AD at the coast and spread to the Brooks Range, becoming the Nunamiut. The Nunamiut people, who had left much of their traditional homelands following a crash in the caribou populations in the early 1900s, resumed a relatively isolated subsistence way of life after returning to the mountains in the late 1930s. In 1949 the last two semi-nomadic bands came together in the valley of the Anaktuvuk River, and over the next decade established the community of Anaktuvuk Pass. The Gwich'in people, a Northern Athabaskan group also lived in the area in the last 1000 years, moving south of the park in historic times.
The park's name dates to 1929, when wilderness activist Bob Marshall, exploring the North Fork of the Koyukuk River, encountered a pair of mountains (Frigid Crags and Boreal Mountain), one on each side of the river. He christened this portal the "Gates of the Arctic."[25] Marshall spent time in Wiseman during the early 1930s, publishing an account of the place in his 1933 book Arctic Village. In the 1940s writer and researcher Olaus Murie proposed that Alaskan lands be preserved.
(from Wikipedia)

Mount Davis
Mount Davis
Utqiaġvik (Inupiaq: Utqiaġvik; IPA: [utqe.ɑʁvik], English: /ˌʊtkiˈɑːvɪk/ UUT-kee-AH-vik), formerly known as Barrow (/ˈbæroʊ/), is the borough seat and largest city of the North Slope Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska. Located North of the Arctic Circle, it is one of the Northernmost cities and towns in the world and the Northernmost in the United States, with nearby Point Barrow the country's Northernmost land.
The location has been home to the Iñupiat, an indigenous Inuit ethnic group, for more than 1,500 years. The city's Iñupiaq name refers to a place for gathering wild roots. It is derived from the Iñupiat word utqiq, also used for Claytonia tuberosa ("Eskimo potato"). The name was first recorded, by European explorers, in 1853 as "Ot-ki-a-wing" by Commander Rochfort Maguire, Royal Navy. John Simpson's native map dated 1855, records the name "Otkiawik", which was misprinted on the subsequent British Admiralty chart as "Otkiovik." The former name Barrow was derived from Point Barrow, and was originally a general designation, because non-native Alaskan residents found it easier to pronounce than the Inupiat name. Point Barrow was named after Sir John Barrow of the British Admiralty by explorer Frederick William Beechey in 1825. A post office established in 1901 helped the name "Barrow" to become dominant. In an October 4, 2016, referendum, city voters narrowly approved to change its name to Utqiaġvik, which became official on December 1. City Council member Qaiyaan Harcharek described the name change as supporting use of the Iñupiaq language and being part of a process of decolonization. Another recorded Iñupiaq name is Ukpiaġvik (IPA: [ukpi.ɑʁvik]), which comes from ukpik "snowy owl" and translates to "the place where snowy owls are hunted". A spelling variant of this name was adopted by the Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation when it was established in 1973.
Utqiagvik is roughly 1,300 mi (2,100 km) south of the North Pole. Only 2.6% of the Earth's surface lies as far or farther from the equator as Utqiagvik. Owing to its location 330 mi (530 km) north of the Arctic Circle, Utqiagvik's climate is cold and dry, classified as a tundra climate (Köppen ET). Winter weather can be extremely dangerous because of the combination of cold and wind, while summers are cool even at their warmest. Weather observations are available for Utqiagvik dating back to the late 19th century. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Monitoring Lab operates in Utqiagvik. The United States Department of Energy has a climate observation site in Utqiagvik as part of its Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility. Despite the extreme northern location, temperatures at Utqiagvik are moderated by the surrounding topography. The Arctic Ocean is on three sides, and flat tundra stretches some 200 mi (320 km) to the south. No wind barriers or protected valleys exist where dense cold air can settle or form temperature inversions in the lower atmosphere, as commonly happens in the interior between the Brooks and the Alaska ranges.
In addition to its low temperatures and polar night, Utqiagvik is one of the cloudiest places on Earth. Owing to the prevailing easterly winds off the Arctic Ocean, it is completely overcast slightly more than 50% of the year. It is at least 70% overcast some 62% of the time. Cloud types are mainly low stratus and fog; cumuli forms are rare. Peak cloudiness occurs in August and September when the ocean is ice-free. Dense fog occurs an average of 65 days per year, mostly in the summer months. Ice fog is very common during the winter months, especially when the temperature drops below −30 °F (−34 °C). The Arctic region is warming three times the global average, forcing major adjustments to life on the North Slope with regard to a prior millennium of hunting and whaling practices, as well as habitation. Thinner sea ice endangers the landing of bowhead whale strikes on offshore ice by springtime whalers. Caribou habitat is also affected, while thawing soil threatens homes and municipal and commercial structures. The city's infrastructure, particularly water, sanitation, power, and road stability, is endangered. The shoreline is rapidly eroding and has been encroaching on buildings for decades. According to Dr. Harold Wanless of the University of Miami, an anticipated rise in sea level attributed to greenhouse gas emissions and consequent global warming is inevitable, meaning the existence of Utqiagvik at its current location is doomed in the geological relatively short term. Smoothed data from NOAA show that Utqiagvik has warmed by more than 11 °F (6.1 °C) since 1976.
An ancient 5.0 mi-sized crater, Avak, is situated near Utqiagvik.
(from Wikipedia)

Adamantia Bay Ring
is ruled under a

An aerial view of
Caer Adamantia Waters,
Royal Court of the Realm of
Adamantia Bay Ring,
on the shores of the Bay itself.
Contact Lady Danielle and Lord Gary: