The Domain and Realms National Site

Images of Majesty
List of Nations:
Images of Majesty
List of Nations:

Name of monarchy: Ruritania
Full official name(s): The Kingdom of Ruritania
Date of Foundation: 1967
Origin of name: Named for the fictional Kingdom of Ruritania from the Anthony Hope novel, "The Prisoner of Zenda"
Demonym: Ruritanian
Credo/motto: None
Website: http://www.ruritania.net
National Flag: The Flag Of Ruritania
National anthem: “See Now The Conq’ring Hero Comes” by Handel
Ruler(s)/Head(s) of State: Queen Anastasia Sophia Maria Helena von Elphberg
Form of government: Absolute monarchy
Highest law: The Word of the King
Area/location(current): Europe
Capital: Strelsau
Official Residence:
Population(current): 300
Official calendar:
Common holidays and seasons: Christmas, Spring, Easter, Summer, Autumn, Winter
National holidays: Sovereignty Day (May 21st), Purple Paw Remembrance Day (August 18th)
National religion(s): None
Official Language(s): Australian English, UK English

Name of monarchy: Wescocia
Full official name(s): The Kingdom of Wescocia
Date of Foundation: October 5, 2022
Origin of name: Randomizer of imaginary country names gave me the result of "Wescioca", then I slightly rearranged letters, and the name "Wescocia" was born. (although a day later I looked up Wescocia on Google and Escocia came up which is basically Scotland in Portuguese)
Demonym: Wescocian or Wescian
Credo/motto: Ave Rex et Patria
Website: Down for upgrading
National Flag: The Kingdom of Wescocia possesses two national flags - a National Standard (three color horizontal bars of Black, White, and Blue colors which stand for Determination, Peace, and Liberty, with the Wescocian symbol in the middle) and the Royal Banner of Arms (the coat of arms of the country depicting the provinces of Louford and Tudving - in the Dexter Chief and Sinister Base - that came together to form the Kindom and personal coat of arms of the King Arsen Rochelart and House of Rochelarts as a whole - in the Sinister Chief and Dexter Base - with a shield of Struice Province which is the heart province of the country and Wescocia in the middle.)
National anthem: None at the moment
Ruler(s)/Head(s) of State: His Royal Majesty King Arsen Rochelart: Monarch,
His/Her Excellency the Prime Minister (Vacant): Head of government.
Form of government: Constitutional monarchy
Highest law: Constituion and Monarch
Area/location(current): New York City, United States of America
Capital: Ospax
Official Residence: King's Palace | Prime Minister's Residence at Elmwood Street
Population(current): 9
Official calendar: Gregorian
Common holidays and seasons: Sovereignty Day - (May 22nd), National Symbols Day - (July 5th), Rule of House of Rochelarts Honoring - (July 6th), Constituion Day - (July 14th), Foundation of the Kingdom of Wescocia Day and Royal Day - (October 5th), Old Year Farewell Day - (December 31st)
National holidays: New Years - (January 1st), Thanks Giving Day - (Any date of Novemeber that falls on Fourth Thursday of the month), Christmas Eve - (December 24th), Christmas (December 25th),
National religion(s):: Secular State (Major: Orthodox Chrisitianity)
National religion(s): None
Official Language(s): American English, any other English.