The Domain and Realms National Site

Welcome to the Realm of
The Dells
The Dells is the seventh Realm of the Domain: coming into being January 17, 2002, by the hand of its First and former ruler: Lady Skyedragon ni Draconis.
The current ruler of the Dells is Xanthi Senara Guenivere Pendragon LachlanMor DarkFyre ni VoceDeConscienza, High Queen of the Domain and Realms.
The Dells is known as much for its water as for its land, being one of several Domani Realms that lie along the shore of the Inalnd Silurian Seas (the Great Lakes of North America) , as well as holding the headwaters of the Old Man River Himself, the Mississippi River. From its province of the Ten-Thousand Lakes to its province of the Rolling Hills, the Dells holds deep adventures, deeper secrets, ancient magick, and long-held lore: as much in its forests as in its waters.
The Dells has had three Rulers in its history: with the current Ruler also serving as High Queen of the Domain and Realms.
It is said that, "As goes the Dells, so goes the Domain."

Stats and Information

Full Name: The Realm of the Dells
Full Name: The Realm of the Dells
Pronunciation: Dells
Entymology: Named for the Dells of the Wisconsin River, found in the central Southeastern area of the Realm.
Date Founded: January 17, 2002
Date Founded: January 17, 2002
Demonym: Dellian
Population(current): 11
Ruler(s): Xanthi Senara Guenivere Pendragon LachlanMor DarkFyre the Silent, High Queen of the Domain, OSPG
House(s): VoceDeConscienza (-M-)
House(s): VoceDeConscienza (-M-)
Flag: Believe - A dragon within a circle of silver, on a field of scaled green: representing the familiar of the First Ruler of the Dells, Lady Skyedragon ni Draconis ("Beliefs are the foundation of our existence. It is our belief in things that make us who we are. Our belief in the doctrine of our chosen religion is what gives that religion meaning to us. Our belief in our dreams is what makes those dreams come true. Our belief in magick is what makes that mgick manifest. And our belief in ourselves is what makes each and every one of us excel to new heights, create new dreams and reach for those stars.Don't be afraid to believe, even if what you believe in seems impossible or improbable. Remember, somethings must be believed in, in order to be seen." -Lady Skyedragon ni Draconis, First Ruler of the Dells)
Anthem: "Minstrel Boy" by The Corrs
Provinces: The Ten Thousand Lakes (Minnesota), The Rolling Hills (Wisconsin)
Royal District: Mist Hollow (Ozaukee County, Wisconsin)
Royal Court: Caer Portshire (Port Washington, Saukville, and Fredonia, Wisconsin)
Royal Home: Bag End
Dellian Provinces
Name of Royal District: Mist Hollow
Location: Ozaukee County, Wisconsin USA
Population(current): 10
Origin of name: Named for the fog and mists that often flow in and out of the area year round.
Ruler(s): High Queen Xanthi Senara

Name of province: The Rolling Hills
Location: Wisconsin
Population(current): 5
Origin of name: Named for the hills that fill the forest and dales of the province.
Ruler(s): Lord Sir Gemwrapper ap DarkFyre
Duchies(to date): The Northwoods(Northern Wisconsin), The Riverlands(Southern Wisconsin)
Provincial Flag: The River of Seasons (A river running through hills and bluffs, representative of the Great River and the hills surronding it; the four symbols - the flower, ear of corn, red leaf, and snowflake - representative of the Four Seasons.)
Note: The original flag image - created by former-Lady Dame Kristathyst ni DarkFyre, the first Lady of the Province - was lost to time. The current image is a recreation/update of the original - according to her specifications - by the Domani Imperial Vexillology Department, circa 2022.

Name of province: The Ten Thousand Lakes
Location: Minnesota
Population(current): 0
Origin of name: In reference to the State's ten thousand lakes, though the actual number lies more between 11,000 and 22,000.
Ruler(s): none
Duchies(to date): None at current time
Provincial Flag: None at current time
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment

The Dells of the Wisconsin River
The Dells of the Wisconsin River
Namesake of the Realm (From the French dalles: “steep-sided part of a stream channel”), is a 5-mile-long gorge on the Wisconsin River in south-central Wisconsin, USA: in the vicinity of the cities of Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton, Wisconsin.
It is noted for its scenic beauty, in particular for its unique Cambrian sandstone rock formations and tributary canyons. The cliffs - some over 100 feet high - and side canyons are closed to the public to protect sensitive ecological features. The viewing of the rock formations by water - the famous Wisconsin Ducks, in particular - is a popular tourist attraction in the area.
Formed during the last ice age approximately 15,000 years ago, the rocks themselves date from the Cambrian approximately 510–520 million years ago, when the area of Wisconsin was at the bottom of a shallow sea. The cultural history of the area stretches back several thousand years: from early Paleo-Indian people to the more recent Native American peoples (such as Ho-Chunk, Sac, and Menominee), who left behind effigy and burial mounds, camps and village sites, garden beds, and rock art.
(from Wikipedia)
According to stories, legends, and myths of the Native American tribes of the area, the Dells were formed by a great nature spirit - some say a large serpent - whose passage formed the bed of the Wisconsin River, and carved out the Dells as they are today. The Dells' original name is Nįš-haki-sųč-ra (Neechahkecoonahorah): "Where the Cliffs Strike Together"
Rib Mountain
Rib Mountain
Lying in the center of Northern Wisconsin, Rib Mountain is one of three small mounts sitting West of Wausau, Wisconsin. At 4 miles in length and 742 feet tall (1,942 feet above sea level), it is a quartzite monadnock covered in syenium, formed almost 2 billion years prior.
(from Wikipedia)

According to local folklore and legend, Rib Mountain, and the nearby Mosinee Hill, are the burial places of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Beyond the legends, the two mountains - and a smaller third - are all of quartzite composition, and are under continual use by the magickal community in the area, and those aware of its quartzite composition. It is part of the Domain's developing etheric shield and radar network, as the main anchorpoint for the Dellian section of the shield.

The Four Corners of the World
The Four Corners of the World
The Four Corners of the World are places that have been invoked for as long as there has been civilization: relegated to beliefs of a flat Earth, or far flung mythical shores that explorers were always striving to find. In modern days, myths are all they are thouoght of to be. Except that modern geography and measurements had them marked out all along,
The 45×90 Points are the four points on Earth which are halfway between the geographical poles and the equator, while also halfway between the Prime Meridian and the 180th meridian. Both northern 45×90 points are located on land, while both southern 45×90 points are in remote open ocean locations.
(from Wikipedia)
It happens that one of the Four Corners lay all along a half hour west of Rib Mountain, in the town of Pontiakowski: in the middle of a field. Obscure until the twentieth century, the area has now been made into a roadside park, with a trail leading to the spot itself, with information on its "discovery" and tourism available at the site. Considering the mythical, geographical, and cultural significance of the Four Corners of the World, this site itself holds deep power: hidden in the Northwoods of the Realm.
Le Port de Morts and Washington Island
Le Port de Morts and Washington Island
Located at the tip of Door County Wisconsin, and namesake for the county itself, the Port de Morts (French for "Door of the Dead") and Washington Island have a legendary hitory aside from what is considered tourist or official information.

Most stories point towards a tribe of peaceful Native Americans escaping destruction from another tribe, and making for the island for safety. As one account points out, when the tribe pursuing them attempted to follow them across the channel, storms, waves, and waterspouts formed: drowning the pursuing tribe and dashing them back to the mainland. Possibly their fate ended at what is now known as Deathsdoor Bluffs. It is said that similar occurences happened in following years, although in less and less strength and frequency, till they stopped: perhaps due to the lessening of hostilities as the modern days came ever on.
It is said by some that one or many guardian spirits watch over the passage, guardiang the safe haven of Washington Island against evil and harm. According to some Domani, it is one spirit: large and ancient, that makes its home in and around the waters of the Port and the Island, forever watching.
To this day, Washington Island is a peaceful community, reached only by ferry. Stone and pebble beaches, lavender farms, small hotels and restauraunts, and even a small ferry to neighboring Rock Island: home of one of the first lighthouses on the Inlnd Seas, in an enchnated forest.

The Dells
is ruled under a

An aerial view of downtown
Caer Portshire,
Royal Court of the Realm of the Dells
Caers, Shires, and Strongholds
Caers, Shires, and Strongholds
Caer Portshire (Royal Court) - Port Washington, Saukville, and Fredonia, Wisconsin USA
Caer Menomonee - Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
Caer Shekohlboyergan Bannerton - Sheboygan, Kohler, and Sheboygan Falls, Wissconsin USA
Caer Maritime - Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Wisconsin USA
Caer Fae Ridges - Two Rivers, Wisconsin, USA
Caer Mist Bay - Green Bay, Wisconsin USA
Caer Bridgeshire - Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin
Caer Erebor - Wausau, Wisconsin USA
Caer Serpent Lakes - Madison, Wisconsin USA
Caer Crossing Rivers - La Crosse, Wisconsin USA
Caer Nįšhakisųčra - Wisconsin Dells and Lake Delton, Wisconsin USA
Caer Superior - Superior, Wisconsin and Duluth Minnesota USA
Caer SevenHills - Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Caer SevenVales - St. Paul, Minnesota USA
Caer Braighe Lough - Appleton, Wisconsin USA
Caer Meadhon Lough - Oshkosh, Wisconsin USA
Caer Iochdar Lough - Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin USA
Caer Kilncastle na Celebduin - Grafton and Cedarburg, Wisconsin USA
Caer Moonfields - Mequon and Thiensville, Wisconsin USA
Caer Scarborough Faire - Oak Creek, Wisconsin USA
Caer Platte Mounds - Platteville, Wisconsin USA
Caer Agassiz - Moorhead and Dilworth, Minnesota, USA
Caer Black River - Onalaska, Holmen, and Holland, Wisconsin USA
Caer SevenFires - Rochester, Minnesota USA
Caer Wapasha - Winona, Minnesota USA
Caer HeMniCan - Red Wing, Minnesota USA
Tol Tal - Minocqua, Woodruff, and Arbor Vitae, Wisconsin USA
Lordsville - Cuba City, Wisconsin USA
Leeside Blue - La Crescent, Minnesota USA
Holy Hill - Erin, Wisconsin USA
TriVale - Sevastopol, Wisconsin USA
Dolen Nal - Jamestown, Wisconsin USA
Dale - Niagara, Wisconsin USA
Stronghold of the Fox Valley - Caer Braighe Lough, Caer Meadhon Lough, Caer Iochdar Lough
Stronghold of the Hills and Vales - Caer SevenHills, Caer SevenVales
Stronghold of the Bluffs - Caer Crossing Rivers, Caer Black River, Leeside Blue
Stronghold of the Red River Vale (shared with the Black Hills) - Caer Numen Andondi Pata, Caer Agassiz
Stronghold of the Cauldron - Caer Maritime, Caer Fae Ridges
Contact High Queen Xanthi Senara: