The Domain and Realms National Site

Welcome to the Rolling Hills' Duchy of
The Riverlands
The Riverlands is Southern Duchy of the Dellian Province of the Rolling Hills: being founded in 2021. by the hand of its First Duchess and former ruler of the Dells and the Rolling Hills: Duchess Dame Kristathyst ni DarkFyre.
Founded in 2005 by then-Lady Xanthi Senara the Silent ni VoceDeConscienza (now High Queen Xanthi Senara), under then-Dellian Ruler Lady Dame Kristathyst ni DarkFyre (now Duchess Dame Kristathyst ni MahtamaEetaheNehe of the Riverlands), the Rolling Hills is a province dominated by forests in the North, rivers in the South, and rolling quartzite hills and moraines throughout.

Stats and Information

Full Name: The Duchy of the Riverlands
Full Name: The Duchy of the Riverlands
Date Founded: June 23, 2020
Date Founded: June 23, 2020
Entymology: Named for the numerous great rivers that dominate the land.
Population(current): 2
Ruler(s): Duchess Dame Kristathyst, OWW
House(s): MahtamaEetaheNehe
House(s): MahtamaEetaheNehe
Ducal Pennon: The Sacred Voice of the River - The landscapes represented are of the lands of the Wisconsin section of the Mississippi River Valley. The Grandad Bluff: one of the landmarks of La Crosse, Wisconsin, symbolizing wisdom of the land. The eagle atop the bluff represents strength. The farmland below Granddad Bluff represents prosperity and family. And the Mississippi River at the bottom represents old knowledge and movement of energy.
Counties: The Hidden Valleys (Northern Wisconsin), The Lakelands (Southern Wisconsin), The Kettle Moraine ()
Ducal Seat: Caer Crossing Rivers (La Crosse, Wisconsin)
Provincial Home: Fanta Eccaia Londe
Riverlands Counties
Name of County: The Hidden Valleys
Location: La Crosse, Monroe, Juneau, Vernon, Crawford, Richland, and Sauk Counties, Wisconsin
Population(current): 1
Origin of name: Named for the vales that are nestled between the hills and bluffs on towards the Mississippi.
Ruler(s): None at current time
Principalities: None at current time
County Banner: None at current
Name of County: The Lakelands
(Click on the name or flag to navigate)
Location: Adams, Waushara, Marquette, Green Lake, Columbia, Dodge, Jefferson, Dane, Iowa, Grant, Lafayette, Green, and Rock Counties, Wisconsin
Population(current): 1
Origin of name: In reference to the chain of lakes and their communities, located in the South of the County.
Ruler(s):None at current time
Principalities: None at current
County Banner: None at current time

Name of County: The Kettle Moraine
Location: Winnebago, Calument, Manitowoc, Fond Du Lac, Sheboygan, Washington, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Walworth, Racine, and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin
Population(current): 0
Origin of name: In reference to the Kettle Moraine: the Southern length of which runs through the County
Ruler(s): None at current time
Principalities: None at current time
County Banner: None at current time
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment
Places of Interest, Power, and Enchantment

Grandad Bluff
Grandad Bluff
Grandad Bluff (also Granddad Bluff) is a bluff on the east side of La Crosse, Wisconsin. It is approximately 590 feet above the surrounding land and 1,183 feet above sea level. Bliss Road provides access to the bluff.
A park shelter in a fenced-off area atop the bluff provides visitors with a view of La Crosse. It contains a panoramic photo of La Crosse taken in 2004, with annotations of La Crosse landmarks. Locations visible from the bluff include the University of Wisconsin–La Crosse, the Mississippi River, bluffs in Minnesota, and Interstate 90.
The landscape has a geomorphically young appearance because of its Pleistocene history. The Mississippi River probably did not occupy this course before the Pleistocene. The bluffs along this portion of the Mississippi River consist of dolomite of the Prairie du Chien Group capping Cambrian sandstone. Grandad Bluff is a classic mesa, as are all the bluffs along the river.
The land comprising much of Grandad Bluff was first purchased from the state by Judge George Gale in July 1851. Between 1851 and 1912, there were 83 transfers of the property. The bluff was used as a source of construction materials, and its limestone was quarried for many years. The bluff was to be sold for large-scale quarrying, however the La Crosse residents were outraged by the plans. To save the bluff from ruin, Ellen Hixon and her son Joseph, a prominent La Crosse family, purchased the land in 1909. The family held the property in trust until 1912 when the land was donated as a park to the city of La Crosse. A group of residents, led by Ellen Hixon, raised $15,000 to construct roads and purchase more land around the bluff. The area below Grandad Bluff became the center of Hixon Forest, which continues to serve as a popular hiking area.
(from Wikipedia)
Aztalan State Park is a Wisconsin state park in the Town of Aztalan, Jefferson County. Established in 1952, it was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1964 and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. The park covers 172 acres along the Crawfish River.

Aztalan is the site of an ancient Mississippian culture settlement that flourished during the 10th to 13th centuries. The indigenous people constructed massive earthwork mounds for religious and political purposes. They were part of a widespread culture with important settlements throughout the Mississippi River valley and its tributaries. Their trading network extended from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast, and into the Southeast of the present-day United States.
Aztalan was first settled around 900 CE by a Native American culture known as the Middle Mississippian Tradition. The chief center of a Middle Mississippian settlement is at Cahokia, in present-day Illinois, a city that at its peak had 20,000–30,000 people. This was not surpassed by Europeans in North America until after 1800. These settlements are characterized by the construction of earthwork mounds, stockades, and houses, by decorated Mississippian culture pottery, and agricultural practices. There are also elements of the Woodland culture found there.
The residents of Aztalan had long-distance trading relationships with other settlements, linked by their use of the rivers for transportation. For example, items found at the settlement include copper from Michigan's Upper Peninsula, shells from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and stone such as Mill Creek chert from other areas of the Midwest.
(from Wikipedia)

Point Beach State Forest
Point Beach State Forest
As has been said and alluded to, enchanted forests dominate the Realm of the Dells and all of its divisions. The Duchy of the Riverlands is no different, with enchanted forests and plains from one end to the other. Especially in its County of the Kettle Moraine. Most notably the Faerie forest known as Point Beach: just outside of the Stronghold of the Cauldron.
Point Beach State Forest is a 2,903-acre Wisconsin state forest near Two Rivers, Wisconsin in Manitowoc County. The forest is located along 6 miles of the Lake Michigan coast. Point Beach State Forest was established in 1938. The Point Beach Ridges, a National Natural Landmark, are located within the forest.
Point Beach Ridges is a 558-acre topography of alternating ridges and swales in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The area is located within Point Beach State Forest. It was designated a Wisconsin State Natural Area in 1971 and a National Natural Landmark in 1980.
(from Wikipedia)
The dominance of the Fae in Point Beach clear to those aware as you drive through the tunnel of trees that is the passage of County Highway O through the land, to where it emerges out of the forest to the sight of the Ridges on its Southern end. Though it is clear that they keep to themselves, the watchfulness of the forest can be felt.

The Riverlands
is ruled under a

A view of downtown
Caer Crossing Rivers,
Seat of the Duchy of
the Riverlands
Contact Duchess Kristathyst
"There's magick in believing..."